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简介 BiographyI am currently an Associate Professor in the College of Intelligence Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology (NUDT). My research focuses on intelligent transportation system, air-ground collaborative unmanned system, intelligent decision-making and planning. |
个人经历 Personal Appointment and Award
学术任职 Professional Service
发表论文 Published Articles(Selected) [ResearchGate]† indicates equal contribution, and * indicates corresponding authorship. |
专利/软著 Patents / Software copyrights |
科研项目情况 Research Fundings主持项目 Host: 部分参与项目 Participant(Selected): |
成果应用 Research Application本人作为神十三地面无人搜救团队负责人,组织并带领10余人的核心技术团队,利用1个月的时间集中攻关,多方调试,考虑到神十三载人航天搜救任务中地面无人平台参试光学测量搜救时会出现 1)返回舱体降落点受大气影响,事先无法精确固定,从而地面无人平台缺乏精确引导信息; 2)现场单位光学拍摄、测量设备众多,网络信号构成复杂电磁环境,导致通信易受到干扰; 3)航天任务地处戈壁滩地形,该地形上有很多梭梭树和大型植被,地形复杂,可供训练样本稀少。 将本人的研究成果,即非精确引导环境的运动规划技术、基于不确定性建模的迭代自主导航技术、小样本交互行为预测技术,集成到地面无人平台参试光学测量搜救系统中,最终圆满完成了任务, 被中央电视台CCTV-7,CCTV-13报导为我国首次使用的航天搜救“千里眼”,取得了较大的社会影响。 相关报道参见:见证航天员回家全过程 全靠航天搜救“千里眼”_新闻频道_中华网 (china.com)、国防科技大学校报报道 (nudt.edu.cn) English Version: As the head of the ground unmanned search and rescue team, I organized and led a core technical team of over 10 people, spending a month focusing on addressing key issues, engaging in multi-party debugging. Our contribution is that the application of ground unmanned vehicle in the search and rescue missions of air-spacecraft. We faced three main challenges: 1) the landing point of the air-spacecraft is affected by the atmosphere, making it impossible to fix precisely in advance; hence, the ground unmanned platform lacked accurate guidance information; 2) numerous optical shooting and measurement equipment, and network signals created a complex electromagnetic environment, making communication vulnerable to interference; and 3) the space mission was located in the Gobi Desert, where the terrain had many spindle trees and large vegetation, posing complex terrain challenges, with limited available training samples. At last, we successfully accomplish the task, which was reported by CCTV CCTV-7 and CCTV-13 as "clairvoyance" in our country's space rescue, achieving great social influence. For more detail, please refer to 见证航天员回家全过程 全靠航天搜救“千里眼”_新闻频道_中华网 (china.com)、国防科技大学校报报道 (nudt.edu.cn) |
教学与人才培养 Teaching and Students目前主讲《图像处理与理解》(Image processing and understanding)、《无人机技术与××演练》等本科生课程2门, 主讲课程被评为校级精品课程(awarded as high-quality courses),作为MOOC上线的第一门面向全军、聚焦地面无人平台基础技术的课程,突出了“科教融合、聚焦前沿”的特点,获得了较好评价。官网评价分数满分,学员回帖好评率100%。此外,还支撑了全军精品军事职业教育在线课程(本人排名第7)。 借鉴此次科教融合经验,推广应用到本人负责的本科生课、研究生课与继续教育培训中,累计受益人数超过800余人。 课程成长与教学研究 Teaching Research: Junxiang Li, Daxue Liu, Yiming Fan. Research on the practice of flipped classroom teaching in military frontier technology courses [J]. Education and Teaching Forum, 2023.04 Junxiang Li, Yifeng Niu, Jian Li, Daxue Liu. Research on the construction of comprehensive practice courses under the background of new engineering —— Take the "comprehensive practice of unmanned vehicles" course as an example [C].2021.2021 Unmanned Systems Summit Forum (USS 2021) 人才培养 Students: |
硕士招生要求 Enrollment requirements |
© Junxiang Li | Last updated: Dec 24 2023 |